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Spin the Wheel Load Tests Loadtests Funny

What does this AWS Solution do?

The Distributed Load Testing on AWS solution automates software applications testing at scale and at load to help you identify potential performance issues before their release. It creates and simulates thousands of connected users generating transactional records at a constant pace without the need to provision servers.

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Test load capabilities using containers

Test the load capabilities of your software using independent Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate containers.

Customize application tests

Customize your application tests by creating custom JMeter scripts.

Automate load tests

Schedule load tests to either automatically begin at a specified date or on recurring dates.

AWS Solution overview

The diagram below presents the architecture you can automatically deploy using the solution's implementation guide and accompanying AWS CloudFormation template.

Distributed Load Testing on AWS | Architecture Diagram

 Click to enlarge

Distributed Load Testing on AWS architecture

The AWS CloudFormation template deploys the following resources:

1. An Amazon API Gateway to invoke the solution's microservices (AWS Lambda functions).

2. The microservices provide the business logic to manage test data and run the tests.

3. These microservices interact with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon DynamoDB, and AWS Step Functions to run test scenarios and provide storage for the test scenario details and run test scenarios.

4. An Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) network topology is deployed containing the solution's Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) containers running on AWS Fargate.

5. The containers include a Taurus load testing Open Container Initiative (OCI) compliant container image which is used to generate load for testing your application's performance. Taurus is an open-source test automation framework. The container image is hosted by AWS in an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) public repository.

6. A web console powered by AWS Amplify is deployed into an Amazon S3 bucket configured for static web hosting.

7. Amazon CloudFront provides secure, public access to the solution's website bucket contents.

8. During initial configuration, the solution also creates a default solution administrator role and sends an access invite to a customer-specified user email address.

9. An Amazon Cognito user pool manages user access to the console and an Amazon API Gateway API.

10. After you deploy this solution, you can use the web console to create a test scenario that defines of a series of tasks.

11. The microservices use this test scenario to run Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate tasks.

12. In addition to storing the results in Amazon S3 and DynamoDB, once the test is complete the output is logged in Amazon CloudWatch.

Distributed Load Testing on AWS

Version 2.0.1
Last updated: 12/2021
Author: AWS

Estimated deployment time: 15 min

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Solving with AWS Solutions: Distributed Load Testing

AWS Architecture Blog

Ensure Optimal Application Performance with Distributed Load Testing on AWS

Whether you're a private enterprise or a public sector service, you need confidence that your application can scale with increased user loads. Distributed Load Testing on AWS allows you to automate application testing, understand how it will perform at scale, and fix bottlenecks before releasing your application.

Read the full blog post

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